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German adults will spend more time with digital media than with TV in 2017 and more with mobile devices than with PCs
23 November 2016
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eMarketer forecasts that in 2017 adults in Germany will spend 3 hours 44 minutes per day online on PCs or with non-voice mobile activities, vs. 3 hours 38 minutes watching TV.


  • TV viewing time down 0.3%
  • Digital media consumption up 5.8%

Also in 2017, they are expected to spend more time accessing the Internet via mobile devices (1 hour 41 minutes) vs. PCs (1 hour 41 minutes)

Consumption of print media remains strong at 38 minutes/day, but is forecast to drop by around 2% in 2017.

What more can I say? Digital is where it’s at.

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