A recent blog post from Expedia high-tech usability lab will study travel search and booking

Expedia high-tech usability lab will study travel search and booking
23 November 2016 (Edited )
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A recent blog post from Expedia recounts an interview with Scott Jones who heads their User Experience lab.

Key points:

  • The lab conducts tests directly with customers, using eye-tracking and facial-movement technology to measure what people are looking at and why.
  • Objectives are:
    • Better understand what customers want, so they can be moved from browsing to booking more easily
    • Make Expedia’s sites and mobile apps more efficient and user-friendly
    • Increase customers’ confidence and delight
  • Researchers use electromyography (EMG) technology to produce data that serve as a surrogate for emotion, by detecting subtle changes in facial expression in response to changes in the user’s experience while interacting with Expedia’s sites and apps.

Example: Paralysis by analysis is a problem for customers trying to design a trip. So when a customer is able to eliminate an option (e.g., a specific hotel) from the many available choices, the EMG data show a significant “spike of delight” believed to be related to the progress made toward the ultimate trip plan.

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External Article: http://blog.expedia.com/tag/usability-lab/

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