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Two out of 3 US Millennials have ad blockers installed but 36% don't use them
28 November 2016 (Edited )
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eMarketer reports on ad-blocker research on 2700 US adults aged 18-24 by ad agency Anatomy Media.

Key findings:

  • Most US millennial Internet users have an ad blocker installed on at least one device.
  • 46% have on on desktop computer.
  • 31% have one on mobile device.
  • 14% block ads on both computers and mobile devices.
  • 36% say they don't use the ad blocker, but use is trending up:
    • In 2016 69.8% of all American Internet users will use an ad blocker, up 34.4% from 2015.
    • In 2017 86.6M Americans are expected to use an ad blocker.

On the bright side: a significant proportion of those people - millennials and others - who choose to use ad blockers cannot be convinced of anything through advertising - so be happy you're not wasting impressions or clicks or bandwidth on them.

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