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Google Ads automatically created assets now in open beta
28 February 2023
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Now available to all English-language advertisers

Google can create ad assets from your content

English-language Google Ads advertisers can now opt in to having Google automatically create ad assets from content of their website and Google Ads campaigns, including:

  • Landing page
  • Web pages in the same domain as the landing page
  • Existing text ads in the same ad group
  • Keywords in the same ad group

Benefits Google claims for automatically created ads include:

  • Better relevance of ads to website content
  • Better relevance to search queries by matching to ad group keywords
  • Add more headlines and descriptions to ads
  • Save time

Assets that Google creates can be sentences, phrases or paraphrases of your content that retain the original meaning. These new assets go into the pool of available assets for your ad, and when your ad is eligible to be served up in response to a query, Google will use AI to pick an optimal set of assets to deliver.

You can access the automatically created ads feature in the Google Ads online interface here:

Settings / Campaign Settings / Additional Settings / Automatically Created Assets

Click the ON button, save, and you're ready to go.

To see which assets are being used, go to Asset Report/View Asset Details.

You can turn off automatically created assets anytime by going back into Settings and clicking the button OFF.

Google plans to roll this new feature out to additional languages later in 2023.

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David Boggs MS    - David
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