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Phocuswright: Fastest Growing Online Travel Markets
24 January 2017 (Edited )
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Phocuswright has published its Global Online Travel Overview Fourth Edition comparing travel booking numbers for the US, Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia -Pacific, Middle East and Latin America.

Key findings:

  • The total global travel market is expected to grow by about 5% through 2017, with gross bookings exceeding $1.3 trillion.
  • The global online travel market is expected to grow about twice as fast as the total travel market.
  • In the period 2014-2017, emerging online markets are expected to grow by 61% vs. 15% for developed online markets.
  • Europe leads all regions in online travel penetration.
  • The top 5 total and online travel markets are:
    1. USA
    2. China
    3. UK
    4. Germany
    5. Japan
  • The fastest growing online travel markets are:
    1. China
    2. UAE
    3. India

Factors identified as influencing growth of individual markets include online penetration, infrastructure, credit-card adoption and economic conditions.

You can buy the complete report here for US$1295.

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