eMarketer" /> More and more consumers are using ad blocking software but smartphone ad blocking is rare

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More and more consumers are using ad blocking software but smartphone ad blocking is rare
02 December 2016 (Edited )
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eMarketer has reported results of a 3Q2016 survey by Audience Project of ad-blocker use by Internet users ages 15 and up in the US and UK.


  • 26% of UK respondents and 23% of US respondents used an ad blocker on their desktops.
  • Only 2% of respondents in both US and UK used an ad blocker on their smartphones.

Comparable figures from earlier research done by eMarketer are: 23% desktop ad-blocker use vs. 7.8% for smartphones.

eMarketer projects that almost 70M Internet users will be using ad blockers by the end of 2016, up 34.4% from 2015.

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External Article: https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Glimmer-of-Hope-Ad-Blocking-Battle/1014766

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