Google" /> Google publishes air travel search trends for July 2016

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Google publishes air travel search trends for July 2016
07 September 2016
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Google has published a lot of interesting facts about air travelers and what they searched for in July.

Top questions asked - organized by "Moments that matter" - a sampling:

  • I want to get away
    • how to get a cheap flight
    • how to backpack europe
  • Time to make a plan
    • when is the best time to book a flight
    • how much is a private jet
  • I want to experience
    • how to check flight status
    • what is allowed in checked baggage for international flights

Demographics of air travelers who research online:

  • Top locations: NYC, SF, LA, DC, Seattle, Boston, Denver (Nielsen DMAs)
  • Ages: 39% are under 35, 22% are 55+
  • Sex: 52% are women

Top interests:

  • #1 travel brand: United Airlines
  • #1 company: American Airlines (This list contains companies that aren't travel-related - Walmart, Apple - as well as airlines.)
  • Top 5 hobbies:
    1. hiking
    2. running
    3. cycling
    4. swimming
    5. backpacking

That's interesting. Do outdoorsy types travel by air more than other people? Do they use Google more? I'm going to look into how Google comes up with these numbers. Stay tuned.

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