Google reports that in January 2017, people worldwide spent twice as much time watching Yo" /> Time spent watching YouTube videos on TV has doubled in the past year

Time spent watching YouTube videos on TV has doubled in the past year
10 August 2017
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Google reports that in January 2017, people worldwide spent twice as much time watching YouTube videos on television than in January 2016.

Why do we care? Because this has profound implications for the kinds and sizes of audiences that can be reached via YouTube for advertising and marketing purposes.

Some key findings:

  • In an Ipsos survey done in July 2016, 2 out of 3 respondents said they watch YouTube videos on a TV screen at least once a month.
  • Viewing of YouTube videos via TV peaks at around 9 PM local time - prime time - and on Saturday.
  • When people watch YouTube videos on TV, they're twice as likely to do their watching with others compared to watching via mobile or desktop devices. (So audience is bigger, and people can get input from friends/family in real time.)

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