Case related to the "right to be forgotten"" /> Google vs. EU: German court rules Google has no duty to vet websites before including in search results

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Google vs. EU: German court rules Google has no duty to vet websites before including in search results
28 February 2018
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Case related to the "right to be forgotten" was brought to the German Federal Court of Justice by 2 individuals who claim to have been defamed by others on websites which Google is including in search results. Remedy they sought was for Google to be required to filter the offending sites out of future search returns.

The court found that Google would need to take action only if notified of a clear violation of rights, and that Google has no duty to inspect or screen the web content of others for material that someone somewhere may feel is defamatory.

Good for the German court! The Internet would grind to a halt if Google and everyone else making referrals of people to websites had be legally responsible for seeking out and filtering content that might hurt someone's feelings.

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