Christopher Ratcliff for Search E" /> Pre-launch checklist for new Web sites

Pre-launch checklist for new Web sites
22 September 2016
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This article by Christopher Ratcliff for Search Engine Watch updates a 2013 article by Mark Knowles on the same subject.

The 28-point checklist is sorted by functional area; that is, by who's responsible for what in the organization producing the site:

  • Editors and writers
  • Web designer
  • Web developer
  • SEO team
  • Network admin

In my experience, the people who most need to see and understand this checklist are those making the decision to have a new site created. CEOs and CMOs of organizations tend to see "a new Web site" as a silver bullet to fix whatever problems they're having while using a previous version. Unfortunately, that's just not going to be the case unless whoever is in charge makes sure all the bases addressed by this checklist are covered.

Good article.

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