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US and UK consumers consider search advertising to be the most trustworthy type of digital advertising
05 September 2019 (Edited )
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30.7% said search ads had influenced their purchasing decisions

Research published by Danish consumer-review site shows that consumers in both the US and the UK find search advertising to be the "most trustworthy" form of digital advertising.

Percentage of respondents reporting that the 5 types of ads included in the survey influenced their purchasing decisions (US and UK data in aggregate) were:

  1. Search advertising 30.7%
  2. Weekly marketing e-mails 30.3%
  3. Targeted ads on social media 29.6%
  4. Sponsored ads on websites or social media 25.6%
  5. Commercials for products/services during online streaming 24.8%

But there were some differences in responses between the sexes:

  • Women tended to trust Weekly marketing e-mails, Targeted ads on social media, and Sponsored ads on websites or social media more than men did.
  • Men tended to trust Commercials for products and services during online streaming mor than did women.

And also by country:

  • Brits tended to trust Search advertising and Weekly marketing e-mails more than Americans did.
  • Americans tended to trust Targeted ads on social media, Sponsored ads on websites or social media, and Commercials for products and services during online streaming more than did Brits.

And also by region:

  • Search advertising was most trusted in the US upper Midwest
  • Search advertising was most popular in Wales, and in the southwest, central and northeast regions of England in the UK

Data come from a total sample size of 2.048 consumers, and were collected online in late 2018.

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